Almost all designer goods (handbags, shoes, apparel, etc.) pass through many levels before it reaches the store shelf. In most cases it goes from the producer through 2-5 levels of "jobbers", then to a distributor, then the retail store, and then to you. By this time the price has increased drastically (mainly at your expense).
At Lacoste Outlet we cut out many of the intermediate levels, introduce you to the jobbers who are closely related to the distributor, and you save! You do not have to buy in bulk. You do not have to have a wholesale license. You will not have to pay retail ever again.
Unlike fraudulent companies that give you some strange outdated list of who to call... We give you our suppliers actual current stock list and order form, in most cases online (as well as customer service info)! Many of our suppliers also now have online ordering systems now in place. We have been in business for over 7 years and have the most sources, jobbers, suppliers, and wholesalers for luxury designer handbags, accessories, shoes, clothes and appear..

Lacoste continued to go from strength to strength, with the introduction of their collection for children in 1959. With so many sportsmen in their family, Catherine Lacoste (daughter of Rene) won numerous golfing tournaments, again throwing the Lacoste brand into the limelight and launching the brand across a broad number of sporting events. Lacoste soon became favoured sporting attire across the globe for golfing and tennis games.
By the late Nineties the Lacoste empire had taken over. With a full range of fragrances and toiletries on offer, Lacoste’s fragrances had become bestsellers, surpassing the fame of many traditional perfume labels. Lending the Lacoste name to a wide range of accessories, as well as having two runway shows a year sealed Lacoste’s worldwide fashion status.

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